Back in Business
/Well, that escalated quickly…. Friday the 13th…. March 2020 - something we will be able to tell our grandkids and maybe great-grandkids about. The COVID-19 pandemic delivered a gut-punch to the entertainment industry, but the resiliency shown by the DJ community to pivot to other service-sector jobs, change in-person offerings to virtual ones, and help colleagues during difficult emotional and financial times, speaks volumes for the industry. Many DJs are now feeling the opposite stress of phones ringing off the hook, with limited dates available to fill or no help to hire (due to their staff finding other work, or preferring to sit out and collect unemployment benefits as long as possible).
While our members strive for a professional 12-24 business-hour return of your inquiries (if not instant), and as we enter into the busiest time of year (and maybe busiest time ever), BADJA kindly requests a little added patience from our clients and potential clients in returning calls and emails. The pandemic unexpectedly brought on new “jobs” for many DJs and event professionals (if not moving into part or full-time office employee, or Uber contractor, others were thrusted into roles as coaches, teachers, chefs, and Zoom-specialists). Thanks for your support of the DJ industry, and we hope to see you (on the dance floor) at an event soon!